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Information Interview Report

I was honored to have an interview with Mr. Nizar who gave me clear and precise answers to my question as I will cover in this report. Since I know him personally, I did not need to write a professional networking interview email but I sent him an email after the interview thanking him for the valuable time.

Academic background.

I started the interview by asking Mr. Nizar about his academic background. 

After two years at CPGE, Mr.Nizar went to N7. There, he received complete training in electrical engineering, power electronics, and industrial computing. For his third and final year at N7, he had the opportunity access to a double-degree program, as part of the collaboration between N7 and IAE, a business administration institution in Toulouse. Therefore he obtained both an N7 engineering degree and a master's degree in business administration.


First weeks as a young worker after graduation.

After asking about his academic background, I was curious about how he handled his first job after learning a lot of things.

He told me that he was excited to start working in one of the most famous companies in the field of electrical engineering: RTE (The operator of the French electricity transmission network). Since the nature and the pace of work were very different from school, he had to quickly develop new skills to be able to manage complex projects requiring to work with people with very diverse profiles and to manage not only technical issues, but also human and organizational issues.  


On how the job looks like.

His last answer encouraged me to ask about the technical aspect of his job.

His job mainly consists of managing projects with high added value. The objective is to develop new applications and systems allowing to supervise, monitor, and control the electrical network and to manage the huge amount of data exchanged between the electrical substations and the IT programs of the company. 

Frankly, I did not entirely understand what this actually means. But I wanted to keep the answer in case I decided to go on a similar path as him.


On how his regular day looks like.

According to Mr. Nizar, it depends on the phase of the project which the team is working on. However, Throughout the project, they often have meetings because communication is essential in a project team. In addition, they work on the development and the testing of applications in their technical platforms. They also work on the management of the resources and the budget. They also write working documents such as specifications, design, and architectural documents ...   


I asked Mr.Nizar what they expect when they recruit a student.

Mr.Nizar is not a recruiter himself. However, the human resources department in his company expects new recruits to be curious, flexible, and to adapt to the context of the company by developing new skills. 


Any Advice?

I concluded the interview by asking Mr.Nizar for any piece of advice he could give me as a freshman student. He was very brief as he advised me to develop both hard and soft skills, to stay humble and to stay open to opportunities.


A thank you Email

Dear Mr. Nizar,


I was honored to have an interview with you and I want to thank you again for your time.


The interview was very productive. I learned a lot from your answers especially the one where you described to me how it goes inside the workplace. It gave me a better understanding of the expectations of recruiters. In addition, it became clearer to me what I do need to improve myself, especially in the humanitarian aspect.


I still have questions about a lot of things. Therefore, I am looking forward to having more interviews with you in the future if it is possible.


Best regards,

El marzougui Omar

Email address:

Phone number : +33 7 53 71 44 84

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