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Creathlon Day Team Project

Creathlon Day was a very interesting day organized by N7 to make its students gather into groups of six or seven in order to come up with an idea that could be turned one day into a start-up. I and my colleagues spent the day working on this idea of reviewing products, websites, or mobile applications. What is new in our project is that we thought of developing an AI machine that makes reviews instead of people. Switching subjective reviews done by human beings by reviews done by the objective machine will surely give better results to those who want their products being tested.

The issue?

The idea of reviewing products is as ancient as human beings. What is still debatable even in the digital world is how to get the best results out of this technique. If you give your product to a YouTuber, he wouldn't tell you objectively what is wrong with it. He is just going to promote it to get his money. In general, even if human beings tried to stay as objective as possible, there is always bias when it comes to giving opinions. That is why we proposed to fix this problem and find a way where producers can get the most objective and realistic results after reviewing their products. 

The solution.

To get more objective results while reviewing a product, we will give the assignment of making conclusions to an AI machine. Human reviewers will do nothing other than scroll within the product (the product is going to be either a website or a mobile app). After 10 or 15 of discovering this product, the AI machine, who has been watching the experience of the human reviewers all along, will analyze his movement throughout the reviews and it is up to it to decide how this experience went. The AI machine will make the conclusion about the product instead of the reviewer to avoid bias.

How are we going to do it?

The AI machine should be as smart as human beings to be able to make decisions based on the experience of the human reviewer. The hard task in all this will be to train this AI machine. First, the team of this project will train the AI machine. Also, based on the budget we have, we can recruit other people to help us train the AI machine by giving them simple tasks (Just like a website called RemoTasks). After we finish developing the AI machine, we will target by digital any producer of a digital product who wants his product to be tested before being launched, That is when we will hopefully collect benefits out of our project.

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